The Dojo

3 min readSep 14, 2021

The great thing about having kids is that you get to watch great movies.

Toy Story. Cars. Sing. Despicable Me.

They play out the large themes that make up our lives.







Wax on, wax off …

I watched The Karate Kid with Max over the weekend.

A young boy is bullied at school and takes up karate to defend himself. He finds a great teacher who helps him learn the ancient art.

He ends up competing at a tournament against his bullies, one of whom is the ex-boyfriend of a girl he really likes …

A classic.

Another thing …

Another great thing about having kids is explaining to them what you do. I’ve never been able to adequately explain myself until I showed them this:

They get that. It makes sense.

‘That’s so cool dad.’

They’re not the only ones who think that. 2 weeks in and we have 13,000+ applications.

Amazing stuff!


Lots is going on and the only way to get it all done is to find more EXPLORERS to join our galaxy.

Over the last 6 weeks we’ve had 15 new hires, 30 Interns set to work and 50 Interns off to start their journey.

Some of their stories are:

  • A PhD zoologist who spent years following baboons around with a notepad studying their behaviour
  • A game ranger who spent years up the North Coast
  • A black-belt student who spent years as a Gallery Director and Art Auctioneer.
  • A published / PhD Space Scientist, Computer Scientist and Chemical Engineer.
  • A couple of lecturers with a Masters degree
  • An economist turned data scientist who dabbles with algorithms that can write electronic music
  • Tristan to do his PhD in London, Zach to join a fast-growing BioMed company and Marcel / Rob C emigrating to far-away lands
  • Ian (FS), JG (Utilities) and /INT (Insurance) moving across BUs to explore new frontiers.

EXPLORE: a place where amazing people come to learn, share and make a difference.

The Karate Kid …

Karate has been a theme at EXPLORE from Day 1. We’ve had the belt system since the start.

Why is that?

Karate is a martial art. It is an ancient practice.

You join a dojo and there start to learn. You’re part of a group of practitioners on a journey to perfect the art.

The dojo is one thing, one body: a single expression. You’re part of a team, accountable to each other. Together you commit to build the dojo, the team, your selves.

You’re protective of what the dojo stands for. You stand up against anyone or anything that threatens the principles that the dojo has been founded on.

And there — with your people — you start the lifelong journey of learning karate, of wrestling with the discipline, of perfecting the art that cannot be mastered.

Where, ultimately, you learn that it is not about karate at all.






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